The items on this page change from time to time, please check back regularly!
Cy Swan Knives
Cy Swan is a frequent and beloved guest on Essential Craftsman. He sells knives on his own website which can be found here.
Green Valley ForgeMerch
All Essential Craftsman Merch ( T Shirts, Hoodies, Hats, and More) are printed and sold through Teespring. Show your appreciation for EC by wearing our merch. These shirts are HANDSOME!
Shop MerchBlacksmithing
Attention all pro and budding blacksmiths, for a limited time we are offering our ribbon burners and aprons.
Shop BlacksmithingAxe Sheath Kit
Everything you need to make a sheath for your axe. This is an excellent project for a beginner, kid, or anyone wanting to try something new.
Makes a Great Gift!Everything Else
Lots of Scott's favorite tools can be bought on Amazon with ease. This link will take you to our Amazon Store, where we have specified all the tools and products we heartly endorse and recommend fully. Warning - this list expands beyond simply shop tools!
Visit Amazon